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We load the following packages into our environment:

using OptimalTransport
using Distances
using Plots
using PythonOT: PythonOT
using Tulip

using LinearAlgebra
using Random


const POT = PythonOT

Problem setup

First, let us initialise two random probability measures $\mu$ (source measure) and $\nu$ (target measure) in 1D:

M = 200
μ = fill(1 / M, M)
μsupport = rand(M)

N = 250
ν = fill(1 / N, N)
νsupport = rand(N);

Now we compute the quadratic cost matrix $C_{ij} = \| x_i - x_j \|_2^2$:

C = pairwise(SqEuclidean(), μsupport', νsupport'; dims=2);

Exact optimal transport

The earth mover's distance is defined as the optimal value of the Monge-Kantorovich problem

\[\inf_{\gamma \in \Pi(\mu, \nu)} \langle \gamma, C \rangle = \inf_{\gamma \in \Pi(\mu, \nu)} \sum_{i, j} \gamma_{ij} C_{ij},\]

where $\Pi(\mu, \nu)$ denotes the set of couplings of $\mu$ and $\nu$, i.e., the set of joint distributions whose marginals are $\mu$ and $\nu$. If $C$ is the quadratic cost matrix, the earth mover's distance is known as the square of the 2-Wasserstein distance.

The function emd returns the optimal transport plan $\gamma$

γ = emd(μ, ν, C, Tulip.Optimizer());

whilst using emd2 returns the optimal transport cost:

emd2(μ, ν, C, Tulip.Optimizer())

Entropically regularised optimal transport

We may add an entropy term to the Monge-Kantorovich problem to obtain the entropically regularised optimal transport problem

\[\inf_{\gamma \in \Pi(\mu, \nu)} \langle \gamma, C \rangle + \varepsilon \Omega(\gamma),\]

where $\Omega(\gamma) = \sum_{i, j} \gamma_{ij} \log(\gamma_{ij})$ is the negative entropy of the coupling $\gamma$ and $\varepsilon$ controls the strength of the regularisation.

This problem is strictly convex and admits a very efficient iterative scaling scheme for its solution known as the Sinkhorn algorithm.

We compute the optimal entropically regularised transport plan:

ε = 0.01
γ = sinkhorn(μ, ν, C, ε);

We can check that one obtains the same result with the Python Optimal Transport (POT) package:

γpot = POT.sinkhorn(μ, ν, C, ε)
norm(γ - γpot, Inf)

We can compute the optimal cost (a scalar) of the entropically regularized optimal transport problem with sinkhorn2:

sinkhorn2(μ, ν, C, ε)

Quadratically regularised optimal transport

Instead of the common entropically regularised optimal transport problem, we can solve the quadratically regularised optimal transport problem

\[\inf_{\gamma \in \Pi(\mu, \nu)} \langle \gamma, C \rangle + \varepsilon \frac{\| \gamma \|_F^2}{2}.\]

One property of the quadratically regularised optimal transport problem is that the resulting transport plan $\gamma$ is sparse. We take advantage of this and represent it as a sparse matrix.

quadreg(μ, ν, C, ε; maxiter=100);

Stabilized Sinkhorn algorithm

When $\varepsilon$ is very small, we can use a log-stabilised version of the Sinkhorn algorithm.

ε = 0.005
γ = sinkhorn_stabilized(μ, ν, C, ε; maxiter=5_000);

Again we can check that the same result is obtained with the POT package:

γ_pot = POT.sinkhorn(μ, ν, C, ε; method="sinkhorn_stabilized", numItermax=5_000)
norm(γ - γ_pot, Inf)

Stabilized Sinkhorn algorithm with $\varepsilon$-scaling

In addition to log-stabilisation, we can use $\varepsilon$-scaling:

γ = sinkhorn_stabilized_epsscaling(μ, ν, C, ε; maxiter=5_000);

The POT package yields the same result:

γpot = POT.sinkhorn(μ, ν, C, ε; method="sinkhorn_epsilon_scaling", numItermax=5000)
norm(γ - γpot, Inf)

Unbalanced optimal transport

Unbalanced optimal transport deals with general positive measures which do not necessarily have the same total mass. For unbalanced source and target marginals $\mu$ and $\nu$ and a cost matrix $C$, entropically regularised unbalanced optimal transport solves

\[\inf_{\gamma \geq 0} \langle \gamma, C \rangle + \varepsilon \Omega(\gamma) + \lambda_1 \mathrm{KL}(\gamma 1 | \mu) + \lambda_2 \mathrm{KL}(\gamma^{\mathsf{T}} 1 | \nu),\]

where $\varepsilon$ controls the strength of the entropic regularisation, and $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$ control how strongly we enforce the marginal constraints.

We construct two random measures, now with different total masses:

M = 100
μ = fill(1 / M, M)
μsupport = rand(M)

N = 200
ν = fill(1 / M, N)
νsupport = rand(N);

We compute the quadratic cost matrix:

C = pairwise(SqEuclidean(), μsupport', νsupport'; dims=2);

Now we solve the corresponding unbalanced, entropy-regularised transport problem with $\varepsilon = 0.01$ and $\lambda_1 = \lambda_2 = 1$:

ε = 0.01
λ = 1
γ = sinkhorn_unbalanced(μ, ν, C, λ, λ, ε);

We check that the result agrees with POT:

γpot = POT.sinkhorn_unbalanced(μ, ν, C, ε, λ)
norm(γ - γpot, Inf)


Entropically regularised transport

Let us construct source and target measures again:

μsupport = νsupport = range(-2, 2; length=100)
C = pairwise(SqEuclidean(), μsupport', νsupport'; dims=2)
μ = normalize!(exp.(-μsupport .^ 2 ./ 0.5^2), 1)
ν = normalize!(νsupport .^ 2 .* exp.(-νsupport .^ 2 ./ 0.5^2), 1)

plot(μsupport, μ; label=raw"$\mu$", size=(600, 400))
plot!(νsupport, ν; label=raw"$\nu$")

Now we compute the entropically regularised transport plan:

γ = sinkhorn(μ, ν, C, 0.01)
    title="Entropically regularised optimal transport",
    size=(600, 600),

Quadratically regularised transport

Notice how the "edges" of the transport plan are sharper if we use quadratic regularisation instead of entropic regularisation:

γquad = quadreg(μ, ν, C, 5; maxiter=100);
    title="Quadratically regularised optimal transport",
    size=(600, 600),

Sinkhorn barycenters

For a collection of discrete probability measures $\{\mu_i\}_{i=1}^N \subset \mathcal{P}$, cost matrices $\{C_i\}_{i=1}^N$, and positive weights $\{\lambda_i\}_{i=1}^N$ summing to $1$, the entropically regularised barycenter in $\mathcal{P}$ is the discrete probability measure $\mu$ that solves

\[\inf_{\mu \in \mathcal{P}} \sum_{i = 1}^N \lambda_i \operatorname{OT}_{\varepsilon}(\mu, \mu_i)\]

where $\operatorname{OT}_\varepsilon(\mu, \mu_i)$ denotes the entropically regularised optimal transport cost with marginals $\mu$ and $\mu_i$, cost matrix $C$, and entropic regularisation parameter $\varepsilon$.

We set up two measures and compute the weighted barycenters. We choose weights $\lambda_1 \in \{0.25, 0.5, 0.75\}$.

support = range(-1, 1; length=250)
mu1 = normalize!(exp.(-(support .+ 0.5) .^ 2 ./ 0.1^2), 1)
mu2 = normalize!(exp.(-(support .- 0.5) .^ 2 ./ 0.1^2), 1)

plt = plot(; size=(800, 400), legend=:outertopright)
plot!(plt, support, mu1; label=raw"$\mu_1$")
plot!(plt, support, mu2; label=raw"$\mu_2$")

mu = hcat(mu1, mu2)
C = pairwise(SqEuclidean(), support'; dims=2)
for λ1 in (0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
    λ2 = 1 - λ1
    a = sinkhorn_barycenter(mu, C, 0.01, [λ1, λ2], SinkhornGibbs())
    plot!(plt, support, a; label="\$\\mu \\quad (\\lambda_1 = $λ1)\$")

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